Sunday, November 24, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example

Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example Rhetorical Analysis Paper Rhetorical Analysis Paper Essay Topic: A Woman Killed With Kindness Cole Richardson Professor Bedwell English 1321 10 11 October 2011 Rhetorical Analysis Essay 2 We Do Abortions Here: A Nurse’s Story, written by Sallie Tisdale, was first published in 1990 by October’s edition of Harper’s Magazine. Tisdale was motivated to write this article because she is an American nurse and essayist. She is a writer on health and medical issues and anything in between. The purpose of this article is to inform the readers on how often abortion is called upon, along with the thoughts of these young women and children having them done. I would say the audience of this article is a well-educated, middle class people, because some of the vocabulary can be a little difficult at times. We Do Abortions Here: A Nurse’s Story, by Sallie Tisdale, makes both an effective, and ineffective argument. Tisdale makes her article effective because she uses impelling illustrations to explain how rapid abortions are done, but she also explains in great detail how painful the process is and what it is like. Although she uses great illustrations her argument is ineffective because her writing and thoughts are unclear, therefore making the way she thinks confusing. Once I realized that throwing tantrums made my mom take my favorite toy, I got the concept of good behavior. I admit it is a work in progress because some children do not get it the first time but it does get easier and better. Talking to a child is important as well as discipline. When a child misbehaves, sitting her down and talking to her is also another good method of teaching discipline. It is not like taking privileges or using timeout, but it can definitely work on children. In the article Talk it Out Works Better than Timeout, Mari-Jane Williams explains that youre missing an opportunity to sit down and say to your kids, how well did that work for you? She also mentions self-assessment and how it is more important to a childs mental and emotional health. In my opinion, as the aunt of three nephews and four nieces, talking to the misbehaving child can work and be a positive experience for both the parent and the child. It gives the parent a chance to tell the chil d that his actions are unacceptable and that he can no longer continue to behave in that manner. In my own experience, it is harder to use the alking method with my nephews, but a lot easier with my nieces. I feel it may be harder for a parent to talk to boys because they tend to be more stubborn than girls. Although boys react differently, parents should still talk to them as they talk to girls. Physical punishment, I feel, is Just as effective as any other discipline method. Spanking a child is more of a last resort when he/she is misbehaving. As I stated earlier in the essay, I threw temper tantrums when I did not get what I wanted and my mother took away privileges. That method was not always effective with me, and I nded up getting multiple spankings. In the article The Real Spanking Debate John Hoffman says that mfou could show me an impeccable study that proves beyond a shadow of doubt that a good and proper mild spanking doesnt harm kids. I completely agree with this statement because I experienced plenty of spankings and I am perfectly fine and well behaved with no discipline or anger problems. In conclusion, disciplining your child is very effective but, it depends on how consistent parents are with doing so. Timeouts, taking away privileges, talking, and pankings are all ways that I feel are effective ways of turning a disobedient child into a well behaved child who follows the rules. All of my experiences with disciplining and being disciplined have been effective, if not with all the methods, at least with one of them. When I become a parent I will use these same methods for my children. Hopefully as a mom I will not go through what my mom went through with me, maybe it will be easier. Work Cited Williams, Mari Jane. Talk-lt-out Works better than timeout. Washington Post 3 Oct. 2013. Opposing viewpoints in context. Web. 13 Nov. 2013

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